This morning woke up after having some beers and chowing down at Taco Cabana the night before. They had $1.25 Tecate beer at my usual watering hole. Getting food later is my usual routine. I practiced some restraint and stuck with the $5.40 steak Cabana bowl. It's a great deal and fights off the alcohol in your system. I recommend spending a bit on grub so you can regain the mental clarity you need to avoid the city divesting you of your hard earned shekels. As well as throwing you in a cell with a bunch of drunks who would love nothing better than to use your chest as a toilet.
Being older and a bit more experienced means I know my limits. These days I play it safe. If I wanna be a biomedical engineer I'm gonna have to make some sacrifices. Especially now that I am enrolled in the honors program at my community college. Gonna start the summer mini semester with honors precal II. Even with my newfound restraint I'd rather not leave anything to chance so I turn to food to ensure that I return unscathed and with my honor
Well, this afternoon I was at the local workforce solutions office in hopes that I can restore my unemployment benefits that were terminated due to a communication error. Turns out the unemployment division is completely separate and I'm gonna have to hound them to get some of my tug boat money. I'm somewhat of a moderate conservative, so I absolutely do not intend to play the system. All the assignments and finals that started piling up at the end of my semester kept me a bit outta the loop, otherwise I would have been more focused on gitting dat money. I'm gonna start crossing old bridges in order to get some work. I left Circle K on good terms so I'm gonna reapply with them. I'm not picky with jobs. As long as it ain't back breaking and isn't fast food I'll do it cause I'm a fucking hitokiri like that. Like my homie Genjuro.
I'm just another asshole trying to find his way in this swirling mass of incomprehensible circumstance. I try not to pretend that I am any better than some other fuckup. Hell, even now with my friends at the bar, rather than shooting the shit with my fellow man I'm blogging on this new blogger app I got on the android marketplace. To be fair, I just downloaded this thing and was hard up for trying it out. Despite this excuse, it still says a lot about my antisocial nature. Maybe it is a testament to just how far removed I am from everyone else around me. Well, gonna try to mix it up and try not to talk too much about philosophy, the Bilderberg Group, anime, and biomedical engineering. Which leaves me with nothing lol.
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